

The Bucket List Chapter Sixteen

"Ah, the Buddhists believe you keep coming back."
"Moving up or down a level, based on how you lived your life."


The Bucket List


Subtitle ch.1 from The Bucket List

Gin. Goddamn it.
ʤɪn. ˈgɑdˌdæm ɪt. 
You get all the cards.
ju gɛt ɔl ðə kɑrdz. 
This is China for you, baby.
ðɪs ɪz ˈʧaɪnə fɔr ju, ˈbeɪbi. 
Be a lot more majestic if we could see it.
bi ə lɑt mɔr məˈʤɛstɪk ɪf wi kʊd si ɪt. 
See that old woman?
si ðæt oʊld ˈwʊmən? 
Odds are we're gonna be dead before her.
ɑdz ɑr wir ˈgɑnə bi dɛd bɪˈfɔr hɜr. 
Happy thought.
ˈhæpi θɔt. 
Of course, she's probably got reincarnation going for her...
ʌv kɔrs, ʃiz ˈprɑbəbli gɑt riɪnkɑrˈneɪʃən ˈgoʊɪŋ fɔr hɜr... 
...however that system works.
...ˌhaʊˈɛvər ðæt ˈsɪstəm wɜrks. 
Ah, the Buddhists believe you keep coming back.
ɑ, ðə ˈbudəsts bɪˈliv ju kip ˈkʌmɪŋ bæk. 
Moving up or down a level, based on how you lived your life.
ˈmuvɪŋ ʌp ɔr daʊn ə ˈlɛvəl, beɪst ɑn haʊ ju laɪvd jʊər laɪf. 
See, that's where they lose me.
si, ðæts wɛr ðeɪ luz mi. 
I mean, what would a snail have to do to move up in the lineup?
aɪ min, wʌt wʊd ə sneɪl hæv tu du tu muv ʌp ɪn ðə ˈlaɪˌnʌp? 
Lay down a perfect trail of slime?
leɪ daʊn ə ˈpɜrˌfɪkt treɪl ʌv slaɪm? 
So shitty news, or really shitty news?
soʊ ˈʃɪˌti nuz, ɔr ˈrɪli ˈʃɪˌti nuz? 
A, the first one.
eɪ, ðə fɜrst wʌn. 
There's a storm up there.
ðeərz ə stɔrm ʌp ðeər. 
Well, thanks for the bulletin, Tom, we can't even see the goddamn thing.
wɛl, θæŋks fɔr ðə ˈbʊlɪtən, tɑm, wi kænt ˈivɪn si ðə ˈgɑdˌdæm θɪŋ. 
They won't let us fly up until the weather clears.
ðeɪ woʊnt lɛt ʌs flaɪ ʌp ənˈtɪl ðə ˈwɛðər klɪrz. 
Well, when do they expect it to clear?
wɛl, wɛn du ðeɪ ɪkˈspɛkt ɪt tu klɪr? 
Uh, next spring, sometime.
ʌ, nɛkst sprɪŋ, ˈsʌmˌtaɪm. 
That's the really shitty news, in case you were wondering.
ðæts ðə ˈrɪli ˈʃɪˌti nuz, ɪn keɪs ju wɜr ˈwʌndərɪŋ. 
Well, maybe next time.
wɛl, ˈmeɪbi nɛkst taɪm. 
Next spring.
nɛkst sprɪŋ. 
So now what?
soʊ naʊ wʌt? 
Well, maybe your mountain's trying to tell us something.
wɛl, ˈmeɪbi jʊər ˈmaʊntənz ˈtraɪɪŋ tu tɛl ʌs ˈsʌmθɪŋ. 
What do you mean?
wʌt du ju min? 
Maybe we've been gone long enough.
ˈmeɪbi wiv bɪn gɔn lɔŋ ɪˈnʌf. 
Gone long enough? Gone long enough for whom?
gɔn lɔŋ ɪˈnʌf? gɔn lɔŋ ɪˈnʌf fɔr hum? 
Oh. No, I get it.
oʊ. noʊ, aɪ gɛt ɪt. 
The mountain isn't telling us it's time for us to go home.
ðə ˈmaʊntən ˈɪzənt ˈtɛlɪŋ ʌs ɪts taɪm fɔr ʌs tu goʊ hoʊm. 
The mountain is telling you to tell me it's time for me to go home, right?
ðə ˈmaʊntən ɪz ˈtɛlɪŋ ju tu tɛl mi ɪts taɪm fɔr mi tu goʊ hoʊm, raɪt? 
Yeah. You shit.
jæ. ju ʃɪt. 
Why don't you worry about your life, and let me worry about mine, okay?
waɪ doʊnt ju ˈwɜri əˈbaʊt jʊər laɪf, ænd lɛt mi ˈwɜri əˈbaʊt maɪn, ˌoʊˈkeɪ? 
Okay, okay! You don't have to get chippy with me.
ˌoʊˈkeɪ, ˌoʊˈkeɪ! ju doʊnt hæv tu gɛt ˈʧɪpi wɪð mi.