
The Bucket List 最高の人生の見つけ方 2007「Chapter Three」


The Bucket List Chapter Three

"Who the hell is that? Oh, God. What am I, in the morgue?"
The Bucket List


Subtitle ch.3 from The Bucket List

What are you doing here?
wʌt ɑr ju ˈduɪŋ hir? 
Oh, you know, fighting for my life. You?
oʊ, ju noʊ, ˈfaɪtɪŋ fɔr maɪ laɪf. ju? 
Uh, no, I was just surprised.
ʌ, noʊ, aɪ wʌz ʤʌst sərˈpraɪzd. 
and I don't care about the insurance!
ænd aɪ doʊnt kɛr əˈbaʊt ði ɪnˈʃʊrəns! 
And tell Dr. Shit-for-Brains...
ænd tɛl draɪv. ʃɪt fɔr breɪnz... 
...I wanna know everything about this bleomycin drip he wants to get me on.
...aɪ ˈwɑnə noʊ ˈɛvriˌθɪŋ əˈbaʊt ðɪs bleomycin drɪp hi wɑnts tu gɛt mi ɑn. 
I hear it eats your lungs.
aɪ hir ɪt its jʊər lʌŋz. 
When I address Congress next month...
wɛn aɪ ˈæˌdrɛs ˈkɑŋgrəs nɛkst mʌnθ... 
...I don't want to do it breathing through a hole in my throat.
...aɪ doʊnt wɑnt tu du ɪt ˈbriðɪŋ θru ə hoʊl ɪn maɪ θroʊt. 
That's not exactly what happens. Who the hell is this guy?
ðæts nɑt ɪgˈzæktli wʌt ˈhæpənz. hu ðə hɛl ɪz ðɪs gaɪ? 
Where's Thomas? Tom! In plain view, sir.
wɛrz ˈtɑməs? tɑm! ɪn pleɪn vju, sɜr. 
Hi, Tom. We're gonna move you into the bed.
haɪ, tɑm. wir ˈgɑnə muv ju ˈɪntu ðə bɛd. 
I can do it myself. I ain't dead yet.
aɪ kæn du ɪt ˌmaɪˈsɛlf. aɪ eɪnt dɛd jɛt. 
How about now?
haʊ əˈbaʊt naʊ? 
Have I fired you lately?
hæv aɪ ˈfaɪɜrd ju ˈleɪtli? 
Not since the Oprah incident.
nɑt sɪns ði ˈoʊprə ˈɪnsədənt. 
That was a good one. Yeah, it's good stuff.
ðæt wʌz ə gʊd wʌn.  jæ, ɪts gʊd stʌf. 
Who the hell is that?
hu ðə hɛl ɪz ðæt? 
Who the hell are you?
hu ðə hɛl ɑr ju? 
He said, "Who the hell...?"
hi sɛd, "hu ðə hɛl...?" 
Oh, God. What am I, in the morgue?
oʊ, gɑd. wʌt æm aɪ, ɪn ðə mɔrg? 
That was the first time I laid eyes on Edward Cole.
ðæt wʌz ðə fɜrst taɪm aɪ leɪd aɪz ɑn ˈɛdwɜrd koʊl. 
An inauspicious beginning, to be sure.
ən ɪˌnaʊˈspɪʃɪs bɪˈgɪnɪŋ, tu bi ʃʊr. 
Oh, spare me. Sweet Jesus.
oʊ, spɛr mi. swit ˈʤizəs. 
I hate these... I hate tubes!
aɪ heɪt ðiz... aɪ heɪt tubz! 
I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend the next three weeks laying next to this guy.
aɪl bi dæmd ɪf aɪm ˈgɑnə spɛnd ðə nɛkst θri wiks ˈleɪɪŋ nɛkst tu ðɪs gaɪ. 
Zombie boy. Looks half-dead already.
ˈzɑmbi bɔɪ. lʊks hæf dɛd ɔlˈrɛdi. 
You can't have your own room. It would create an enormous PR problem.
ju kænt hæv jʊər oʊn rum. ɪt wʊd kriˈeɪt ən ɪˈnɔrməs pi-ɑr ˈprɑbləm. 
I don't give a shit about PR.
aɪ doʊnt gɪv ə ʃɪt əˈbaʊt pi-ɑr. 
I want my own room. It's my hospital, for chrissake.
aɪ wɑnt maɪ oʊn rum. ɪts maɪ ˈhɑˌspɪtəl, fɔr chrissake. 
Don't tell me I can't have my own room.
doʊnt tɛl mi aɪ kænt hæv maɪ oʊn rum. 
No offense, pal.
noʊ əˈfɛns, pæl. 
You have publicly defended this policy countless times.
ju hæv ˈpʌblɪkli dɪˈfɛndəd ðɪs ˈpɑləsi ˈkaʊntləs taɪmz. 
You run hospitals, not health spas. Two beds to a room, no exceptions.
ju rʌn ˈhɑˌspɪtəlz, nɑt hɛlθ spɑz. tu bɛdz tu ə rum, noʊ ɪkˈsɛpʃənz. 
I've never been sick before.
aɪv ˈnɛvər bɪn sɪk bɪˈfɔr. 
Okay, Dr. Eldridge will be in in a minute to dot you up, okay?
ˌoʊˈkeɪ, draɪv. ˈɛlˌdrɪʤ wɪl bi ɪn ɪn ə ˈmɪnət tu dɑt ju ʌp, ˌoʊˈkeɪ? 
Dot me up.
dɑt mi ʌp. 
Thomas, don't let me wake up paralyzed.
ˈtɑməs, doʊnt lɛt mi weɪk ʌp ˈpɛrəˌlaɪzd. 
I'll do what I can.
aɪl du wʌt aɪ kæn. 
This really your hospital?
ðɪs ˈrɪli jʊər ˈhɑˌspɪtəl? 
Yeah, pretty much.
jæ, ˈprɪti mʌʧ. 
Might wanna do something about the pea soup.
maɪt ˈwɑnə du ˈsʌmθɪŋ əˈbaʊt ðə pi sup. 
By the morning of the surgery...
baɪ ðə ˈmɔrnɪŋ ʌv ðə ˈsɜrʤəri... 
... the cancer had spread so far throughout Edward's body...
... ðə ˈkænsər hæd sprɛd soʊ fɑr θruˈaʊt ˈɛdwɜrdz ˈbɑdi... 
... that the doctors gave him only a 5 percent chance to survive...
... ðæt ðə ˈdɑktɜrz geɪv hɪm ˈoʊnli eɪ 5 pərˈsɛnt ʧæns tu sərˈvaɪv... 
... but then, they didn't account for how pissed off they'd made him.
... bʌt ðɛn, ðeɪ ˈdɪdənt əˈkaʊnt fɔr haʊ pɪst ɔf ðeɪd meɪd hɪm. 
No visitors come in to see him?
noʊ ˈvɪzətɜrz kʌm ɪn tu si hɪm? 
He's been sleeping a lot since they brought him back.
hiz bɪn ˈslipɪŋ ə lɑt sɪns ðeɪ brɔt hɪm bæk. 
That's another reason I don't miss nursing.
ðæts əˈnʌðər ˈrizən aɪ doʊnt mɪs ˈnɜrsɪŋ. 
It's always so sad seeing a patient like that, all alone...
ɪts ˈɔlˌweɪz soʊ sæd ˈsiɪŋ ə ˈpeɪʃənt laɪk ðæt, ɔl əˈloʊn... 
...after that kind of surgery.
...ˈæftər ðæt kaɪnd ʌv ˈsɜrʤəri. 
At least he's quiet.
æt list hiz ˈkwaɪət. 
Day after day, out of sight, and almost out of...
deɪ ˈæftər deɪ, aʊt ʌv saɪt, ænd ˈɔlˌmoʊst aʊt ʌv... 
Rachel called this morning.
ˈreɪʧəl kɔld ðɪs ˈmɔrnɪŋ. 
Really? How's she doing?
ˈrɪli? haʊz ʃi ˈduɪŋ? 
She's auditioning for first violin in next semester's symphony.
ʃiz ɑˈdɪʃənɪŋ fɔr fɜrst vaɪəˈlɪn ɪn nɛkst səˈmɛstərz ˈsɪmfəni. 
That's wonderful.
ðæts ˈwʌndɜrfəl. 
Need any more books?
nid ˈɛni mɔr bʊks? 
No, I'm... I'm fine.
noʊ, aɪm... aɪm faɪn. 
Got your meds for the night?
gɑt jʊər mɛdz fɔr ðə naɪt? 
I already took them.
aɪ ɔlˈrɛdi tʊk ðɛm. 
How about pillows?
haʊ əˈbaʊt ˈpɪloʊz? 
I'm fine, Virginia, really. Thank you.
aɪm faɪn, vərˈʤɪnjə, ˈrɪli. θæŋk ju. 
You know, I could stay a while if you want me to.
ju noʊ, aɪ kʊd steɪ ə waɪl ɪf ju wɑnt mi tu. 
No use both of us being useless in the morning, right?
noʊ juz boʊθ ʌv ʌs ˈbiɪŋ ˈjusləs ɪn ðə ˈmɔrnɪŋ, raɪt? 
She gone?
ʃi gɔn? 
As something of a public health expert...
æz ˈsʌmθɪŋ ʌv ə ˈpʌblɪk hɛlθ ˈɛkspɜrt... 
...I believe more people die from visitors...
...aɪ bɪˈliv mɔr ˈpipəl daɪ frʌm ˈvɪzətɜrz... 
...than diseases.
...ðæn dɪˈzizəz.