
The Bucket List 最高の人生の見つけ方 2007「Chapter Twnty Two」


The Bucket List Chapter Twnty Two


"I'm deeply proud that this man...
... found it worth his while to know me. "

The Bucket List


Subtitle ch.22 from The Bucket List

Good afternoon. My name is Edward Cole.
gʊd ˌæftərˈnun. maɪ neɪm ɪz ˈɛdwɜrd koʊl. 
I don't know what most people say at these occasions, because...
aɪ doʊnt noʊ wʌt moʊst ˈpipəl seɪ æt ðiz əˈkeɪʒənz, bɪˈkɔz... 
...in all honesty, I...
...ɪn ɔl ˈɑnəsti, aɪ... 
I've tried to avoid them.
aɪv traɪd tu əˈvɔɪd ðɛm. 
The simplest thing is...
ðə ˈsɪmpləst θɪŋ ɪz... 
...I loved him and I miss him.
...aɪ lʌvd hɪm ænd aɪ mɪs hɪm. 
Carter and I saw the world together.
ˈkɑrtər ænd aɪ sɔ ðə wɜrld təˈgɛðər. 
Which is amazing...
wɪʧ ɪz əˈmeɪzɪŋ... 
...when you think that only three months ago...
...wɛn ju θɪŋk ðæt ˈoʊnli θri mʌnθs əˈgoʊ... 
...we were complete strangers.
...wi wɜr kəmˈplit ˈstreɪnʤɜrz. 
I hope...
aɪ hoʊp... 
...that it doesn't sound selfish of me...
...ðæt ɪt ˈdʌzənt saʊnd ˈsɛlfɪʃ ʌv mi... 
...but the last months of his life...
...bʌt ðə læst mʌnθs ʌv hɪz laɪf... 
...were the best months of mine.
...wɜr ðə bɛst mʌnθs ʌv maɪn. 
He saved my life.
hi seɪvd maɪ laɪf. 
And he knew it before I did.
ænd hi nu ɪt bɪˈfɔr aɪ dɪd. 
I'm deeply proud that this man...
aɪm ˈdipli praʊd ðæt ðɪs mæn... 
... found it worth his while to know me.
... faʊnd ɪt wɜrθ hɪz waɪl tu noʊ mi. 
In the end...
ɪn ði ɛnd... 
... I think it's safe to say that we brought some Joy to one another's lives.
... aɪ θɪŋk ɪts seɪf tu seɪ ðæt wi brɔt sʌm ʤɔɪ tu wʌn əˈnʌðɜrz lɪvz. 
So, one day, when...
soʊ, wʌn deɪ, wɛn... 
... I go to some final resting place...
... aɪ goʊ tu sʌm ˈfaɪnəl ˈrɛstɪŋ pleɪs... 
... if I happen to wake up next to a certain wall with a gate...
... ɪf aɪ ˈhæpən tu weɪk ʌp nɛkst tu ə ˈsɜrtən wɔl wɪð ə geɪt... 
... I hope that Carter's there...
... aɪ hoʊp ðæt ˈkɑrtɜrz ðeər... 
... to vouch for me...
... tu vaʊʧ fɔr mi... 
... and show me the ropes on the other side.
... ænd ʃoʊ mi ðə roʊps ɑn ði ˈʌðər saɪd. 
Edward Perriman Cole died in May.
ˈɛdwɜrd Perriman koʊl daɪd ɪn meɪ. 
It was a Sunday, in the afternoon...
ɪt wʌz ə ˈsʌnˌdeɪ, ɪn ði ˌæftərˈnun... 
... and there wasn't a cloud in the sky.
... ænd ðeər ˈwɑzənt ə klaʊd ɪn ðə skaɪ. 
He was 81 years old.
hi wʌz 81 jɪrz oʊld. 
Even now, I can't claim to understand the measure of a life.
ˈivɪn naʊ, aɪ kænt kleɪm tu ˌʌndərˈstænd ðə ˈmɛʒər ʌv ə laɪf. 
But I can tell you this:
bʌt aɪ kæn tɛl ju ðɪs: 
I know that when he died, his eyes were closed...
aɪ noʊ ðæt wɛn hi daɪd, hɪz aɪz wɜr kloʊzd... 
... and his heart was open.
... ænd hɪz hɑrt wʌz ˈoʊpən. 
And I'm pretty sure he was happy with his final resting place...
ænd aɪm ˈprɪti ʃʊr hi wʌz ˈhæpi wɪð hɪz ˈfaɪnəl ˈrɛstɪŋ pleɪs... 
... because he was buried on the mountain...
... bɪˈkɔz hi wʌz ˈbɛrid ɑn ðə ˈmaʊntən... 
...and that was against the law.
...ænd ðæt wʌz əˈgɛnst ðə lɔ.