
The Bucket List 最高の人生の見つけ方 2007「Chapter Twelve」


The Bucket List Chapter Twelve

The Bucket List


Subtitle ch.1 from The Bucket List

You know how they harvest caviar? Hit me.
ju noʊ haʊ ðeɪ ˈhɑrvəst ˈkæviˌɑr? hɪt mi. 
When a female sturgeon is caught...
wɛn ə ˈfiˌmeɪl ˈstɜrʤən ɪz kɑt... 
...the fisherman has to take great care to see she dies peacefully.
...ðə ˈfɪʃərˌmæn hæz tu teɪk greɪt kɛr tu si ʃi daɪz ˈpisfəli. 
If she feels the least bit threatened...
ɪf ʃi filz ðə list bɪt ˈθrɛtənd... 
...she secretes a sour chemical that ruins the eggs.
...ʃi sɪˈkrits ə ˈsaʊər ˈkɛməkəl ðæt ˈruənz ði ɛgz. 
Sounds like my third wife.
saʊndz laɪk maɪ θɜrd waɪf. 
Woman thought mayonnaise came from a plant.
ˈwʊmən θɔt ˈmeɪəˌneɪz keɪm frʌm ə plænt. 
I could get used to this.
aɪ kʊd gɛt juzd tu ðɪs. 
Also sounds like my third wife.
ˈɔlsoʊ saʊndz laɪk maɪ θɜrd waɪf. 
Thirty years I've been coming here.
ˈθɜrdi jɪrz aɪv bɪn ˈkʌmɪŋ hir. 
First time with a guy.
fɜrst taɪm wɪð ə gaɪ. 
Well, I'm flattered.
wɛl, aɪm ˈflætɜrd. 
Emily's 10th birthday was the best, though.
ˈɛmɪliz 10ˈtiˈeɪʧ ˈbɜrθˌdeɪ wʌz ðə bɛst, ðoʊ. 
Who's Emily?
huz ˈɛmɪli? 
My little, uh...
maɪ ˈlɪtəl, ʌ... 
Well, she's not so little anymore.
wɛl, ʃiz nɑt soʊ ˈlɪtəl ˌɛniˈmɔr. 
You have a daughter?
ju hæv ə ˈdɔtər? 
But I thought you said...
bʌt aɪ θɔt ju sɛd... 
Yeah, well, I didn't know you then.
jæ, wɛl, aɪ ˈdɪdənt noʊ ju ðɛn. 
Make a long story short, uh...
meɪk ə lɔŋ ˈstɔri ʃɔrt, ʌ... 
...I don't see her.
...aɪ doʊnt si hɜr. 
What are you doing?
wʌt ɑr ju ˈduɪŋ? 
It's time.
ɪts taɪm. 
No, no, no. Cross that off. Why not?
noʊ, noʊ, noʊ. krɔs ðæt ɔf. waɪ nɑt? 
Cross it off. Why?
krɔs ɪt ɔf. waɪ? 
There is no why.
ðeər ɪz noʊ waɪ. 
What's the matter? Excuse me.
wʌts ðə ˈmætər? ɪkˈskjus mi. 
Where you going?
wɛr ju ˈgoʊɪŋ? 
Just like a broad.
ʤʌst laɪk ə brɔd. 
Look, uh, Carter...
lʊk, ʌ, ˈkɑrtər... 
I'm sorry. I know...
aɪm ˈsɑri. aɪ noʊ... 
...sometimes I get a little overbearing and l...
...səmˈtaɪmz aɪ gɛt ə ˈlɪtəl ˈoʊvərˈbɛrɪŋ ænd ɛl... 
Jesus Christ.
ˈʤizəs kraɪst. 
It's all right. It's okay. What? What?
ɪts ɔl raɪt. ɪts ˌoʊˈkeɪ. wʌt? wʌt? 
The top on the catheter came loose, that's all.
ðə tɑp ɑn ðə ˈkæθətər keɪm lus, ðæts ɔl. 
Well, maybe we should get you to a hospital, Carter...
wɛl, ˈmeɪbi wi ʃʊd gɛt ju tu ə ˈhɑˌspɪtəl, ˈkɑrtər... 
I just busted out of the hospital. Huh?
aɪ ʤʌst ˈbʌstɪd aʊt ʌv ðə ˈhɑˌspɪtəl. hʌ? 
It's all right. Look, it's already stopped, see? Let's get out of here.
ɪts ɔl raɪt. lʊk, ɪts ɔlˈrɛdi stɑpt, si? lɛts gɛt aʊt ʌv hir. 
It looks wonderful.
ɪt lʊks ˈwʌndɜrfəl. 
Maybe I'll get the... Let's just go.
ˈmeɪbi aɪl gɛt ði... lɛts ʤʌst goʊ. 
You go straight to the car. Come on. Come on.
ju goʊ streɪt tu ðə kɑr. kʌm ɑn. kʌm ɑn. 
Okay, all right.
ˌoʊˈkeɪ, ɔl raɪt. 
Where's...? Where's Tommy? In the salon, monsieur.
wɛrz...? wɛrz ˈtɑmi? ɪn ðə səˈlɑn, məˈsjər. 
Oh, my.
oʊ, maɪ. 
How much money do you have?
haʊ mʌʧ ˈmʌni du ju hæv? 
Well, I wouldn't bleed on the rugs.
wɛl, aɪ ˈwʊdənt blid ɑn ðə rʌgz. 
I'm gonna find someplace where I can take a nice hot bath.
aɪm ˈgɑnə faɪnd ˈsʌmˌpleɪs wɛr aɪ kæn teɪk ə naɪs hɑt bæθ. 
Be as good as new afterwards.
bi æz gʊd æz nu ˈæftɜrwɜrdz.